I have decided to open a weblog to keep track of my dieting instead of doing the coding and layout myself. This will be much easier and I can do it from any computer with an internet connection. I will not be re-posting all of the info from my diet so far, but I will provide a link if you want to look back.
Didn't get much sleep yesterday, so today I didn't wake up until about 7pm. Carolyn was ready for supper, so I made her some quesadias and I had some chicken breast with peas and FF refried beans. (32oz water) For a snack I had 3 lemon Girls Scout cookies at around 9:30pm. (32oz water) Had a snack at work around 12:15am of some FF pretzels and FF dip. (24oz water). "Lunch" was a bag of Orville Redenbacher Smart Pop. (24oz water) There will be a snack of a nutrigrain bar at 5am along wit...